Depends Item

class Depends

Describes dependencies between Testcase items.

Properties:alias, name

Detailed Description

The Depends defines a dependency on another test case specified by name. In its simplest form, it specifies only a precedence relation as for instance in the following example:

import qst 1.0

Project {

    Testcase {
        name: "A"

        function run() {}

    // Has to wait until A completes.
    Testcase {
        name: "B"

        Depends { name: "A" }

        function run() {}

Accessing properties of dependencies

In the above example, test case B may want to access results and properties of A. The Depends item attaches a reference of selected properties from A to B. These properties are available in B through the Testcase::dependencies property as shown in the following example:

import qst 1.0

Project {

    Testcase {
        name: "A"

        Exports {
            id: exports
            property string result

        function run() {
            exports.result = "excellent"

    Testcase {
        name: "B"

        Depends {
            name: "A"

        function run() {
  "A was " + dependencies.A[0].result)

After completion of A, Qst copies the properties of the Exports item over to B. Test case B can access them through the dependencies property. Only basic QML types are considered for exporting which avoids side effects.

Dependencies and tags

When being assigned to a Matrix item, a testcase may be expanded to multiple jobs. The Depends item allows to control which job instances of one test case A match which job instances of a test case B. It comes in two matching flavours. Consider the following Matrix project:

import qst 1.0

Project {

    Matrix {
        Dimension {
            board: [ "board-1", "board-2" ]
        Dimension {
            config: [ "debug", "release" ]
        testcases: [

    references: [

    Testcase {
        name: "A"
        id: a
        property string board
        property string config

        Exports {
            id: exports
            property string firmwarePath

        function run() {
            exports.firmwarePath = board + "-" + config + ".elf"

The project in depends-project-with-matrix.qml consists of 3 test cases, 2 of which depend on a test case A. The referenced test cases will be explained in the following sub-sections.

Explicit matching

The Depends item specifies all tag keys of the depending test case. This matching type is always unambiguous and is especially useful when a non-tagged test case depends only on certain jobs of a tagged one. Example:

explicit.qml (not tagged) depends only on some instances of A
import qst 1.0

Testcase {
    name: "explicit"
    id: b

    Depends {
        name: "A"
        board: [
        config: "debug"

    function run() {
        var paths = dependencies.A.reduce(function(acc, value) {
            acc += value.firmwarePath + " "
            return acc
        }, "")"depends on " + paths)
$ qst run -f depends-project-with-matrix.qml | grep -e explicit -e " A "
PASS, A 0000000 [ board-1 debug ],,,
PASS, A 0000001 [ board-2 debug ],,,
PASS, A 0000002 [ board-1 release ],,,
PASS, A 0000003 [ board-2 release ],,,
INFO, explicit, , explicit.qml:21, depends on board-1-debug.elf board-2-debug.elf
PASS, explicit,,,

Implicit matching

The Depends item specifies none of the tags of a depending test case. In this case, the matching behavior depends on whether the test case and the dependency are tagged or not. Non-tagged example:

implicit.qml The test case implicit (not tagged) depends on all instances of A (tagged).
import qst 1.0

Testcase {
    name: "implicit"
    id: b

    property string board
    property string config

    Depends {
        name: "A"

    function run() {
        var paths = dependencies.A.reduce(function(acc, value) {
            acc += value.firmwarePath + " "
            return acc
        }, "")"depends on " + paths)
$ qst run -f depends-project-with-matrix.qml | grep -e implicit -e " A "
PASS, A 0000000 [ board-1 debug ],,,
PASS, A 0000001 [ board-2 debug ],,,
PASS, A 0000002 [ board-1 release ],,,
PASS, A 0000003 [ board-2 release ],,,
INFO, implicit 0000004 [ board-1 debug ],, implicit.qml:19, depends on board-1-debug.elf
PASS, implicit 0000004 [ board-1 debug ],,,
INFO, implicit 0000005 [ board-2 debug ],, implicit.qml:19, depends on board-2-debug.elf
PASS, implicit 0000005 [ board-2 debug ],,,
INFO, implicit 0000006 [ board-1 release ],, implicit.qml:19, depends on board-1-release.elf
PASS, implicit 0000006 [ board-1 release ],,,
INFO, implicit 0000007 [ board-2 release ],, implicit.qml:19, depends on board-2-release.elf
PASS, implicit 0000007 [ board-2 release ],,,
B (not tagged) depends on A (not tagged):
 There is only a single instance of A and B.
B (not tagged) depends on A (tagged):
 There is only a single instance of B and it matches all instances of A.
B (tagged) depends on A (not tagged):
 Every job instance of B matches the same single instance of A.
B (tagged) depends on A (tagged):
 Every job instance of B matches all jobs of A that have at least the same tags as B. If A and B are in the same matrix, then the resulting relationship is usually 1:1.


string alias

The name may not be valid JavaScript identifier or multiple Depends items may reference the same Testcase::name. In this case, alias specifies the identifier under which exported values can be accessed through the Testcase::dependencies property.

This property must be a plain string and a valid JavaScipt identifer.

string name

The name of the depending test case. It must match with an existing Testcase::name.

This property must be a plain string and cannot be empty.