Xds Service

class Xds

Helper for XDS-based debugging interfaces.


Detailed Description

The Xds service provides convenience functions for XDS-based debugging interfaces. It can be used, for instance, to identify connected debuggers.

The following example assumes that there is only a single XDS debugger connected and deduces it’s serial port identifier.

import qst 1.0
import ti 1.0

Project {

    property string launchpadPort: {
        var serials = Xds.availableSerials();
        Qst.compare(serials.length, 1,
            "Either no or too many probe boards connected");
        return Xds.portFromSerial(serials[0]);


Xds is a singleton type and cannot be instantiated as a QML component.


stringlist availableSerials()

Returns the serial numbers of all connected XDS debuggers as an array of strings.

string portFromSerial(string serial)

Returns the port to which a given serial is connected to.